Monday, April 09, 2007

Long shot

I'm looking for this Hopper-esque picture hanging behind the very delectable David Boreanaz:

Sometimes a piece of art just strikes you and for some reason this one struck me. I just love it and I would dearly love to have a print of it. My problem is after extensive googling, I'm not having any luck (and you try googling the word 'Angel' meaning the TV show and not getting a bunch of dreary aren't-ceramic-angels-so-adorable sites.)

I'm hoping against hope that someone out there on the intertubes has seen the print (I'm pretty sure it's a painting and not a photograph) and can either tell me the artist or point me to the mass-produced prints website that carries it. I actually don't care if it's mass-produced :) But I'm really hoping it wasn't just a one-off done for the show. I love the print and would really love to have it. It reminds me of a watercolor my mother did of a shop doorway in England.

Anyway here's everything I've googled about the print:

Doorway art, print, Angel TV series props set design, Hyperion office, artwork above Cordelia's desk, architecture doorway storefront restaurant pub (I don't know if the building is a shop, a pub or just a residence, tho it looks like a shop)

That's about it. I've poured through page after page of doorway art on sites like to no avail.

Any help would be incredibly appreciated.

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At 1:33 PM, Blogger Edgeoforever said...

I am trying - honest I am - to look where you tell me - but my eyes won't listen!

At 1:39 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Too busy checking out teh hawtness that is David? :)


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I'm trying to find found the picture hanging behind David Boreanaz in this screencap. My quest is at an end. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way!

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