Saturday, August 25, 2007


Spooky had a bath today. She didn't go willingly. In fact, this lolcat pretty much sums up her feelings about bathtime:

She was pretty pissed off at us for most of the afternoon. But now she's all soft and fuzzy and smellygood.

Since we came back from Montana, I decided to give up on keeping her out of my room during the night. I usually prefer to shut my door when I go to bed, and ever since she was a kitty, she was not the most peaceful overnight sleepers. I think Shannon as a baby was better at sleeping through the night than Spooky is. She likes to meander around the bed during the night. There's nothing like being in a deep sleep only to be viciously woken up because a cat has stepped on your hair, yanking strands out at the roots. All because she just wuvs me so much. Or, I'm a side-sleeper usually. So if I'm laying on my left side, she has to curl up against me so her whiskers tickle my lips. If I turn over, she has to get up, stretch, leap over me using my thighs as a springboard and curl up in her spot again. Apparently, she must alway be in front of me.

Anyway, I used to keep her out at night because I couldn't get a full night's sleep with her dong all that. Sometimes it worked fine, but most of the time she would yowl outside my door and scratch at it until I got up and chased her with the squirt bottle. Then she'd leave me alone for a while and around 5am-ish, she'd start in again.

But I'm stubborn and I thought I could break her of it if I just didn't give in. Years go by and she still did it. So after Montana I said, sod it and just let her sleep with me. Since she's older now she's sleeping more and doesn't decide to walk laps around my entire body at 3am but she still must always be in front of me. And if she wakes me up before my alarm does and I boot her of the bed, she gets petulant.

It's actually kind of funny. She walks over to the doorstop spring thingie and flicks it. Boooooioioioiong. I look over at her and she's just sitting there looking so smug. Like, "Well fuck you then."

Sometimes I miss having a dog :)


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