Thursday, August 30, 2007


The title of this post is completely random and mostly meant to tease Tonga who cannot seem to purchase the correct lightbulbs for her chandelier. No matter how many times she goes back to return them for the right ones :)

Shannon has a new job. Yes, she no longer works for the DQ. She was a victim of her age and being the low one on the totem pole. They couldn't give her enough hours so they - very nicely I should add - let her go with a good recommendation. She wasn't having much luck finding something else, despite not being limited to a five block radius of our place now that she can drive. But she wanted to turn in an app at a fabric store near here and she found out last night they're going to hire her :) She starts next week. Woot! She's very excited.

School's going well for her so far. She seems to be more diligent about her homework and everything so far. I'm keeping tabs on her through the parent portal and so far, A's all around :) She loves her English teacher this year and that makes me very happy. She says he's just like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society. Oh Captain, my Captain :) As long as she doesn't develop an affinity for Walt Whitman.

Looking forward to the three-day weekend though it will be busy. Saturday is my Gran's 82nd bday. The G's are going to Red Lobster (gag) for dinner so we'll be taking over my famous lasagne on Sunday for dinner. My Aunty Jo's coming to town Sunday as well, I think, so I'll have to work out the timing. It will be loverly to see her again.

Monday is free and clear so I might take a stab at some proper writing. I'm happy to say I've got a couple of ideas kicking around that I want to muck with, so yay!

Think I'll try to go to bed early tonight. I'm knackered. I don't sleep well and 2am phone calls from work that require me to troubleshoot while still sort of dreaming isn't helping.


At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the title. hee hee


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