Friday, August 31, 2007

Name Game

My friend Kat has tagged me so I suppose I must carry on with this particular meme. It's weird though, but ah well. All in fun :)

I guess what you have to do is name a fact about yourself for every letter of your middle name: Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.

You're also supposed to 'tag' other people, one for each letter of your middle name etc. But I don't know enough bloggers for each letter of my middle name. So if anyone stumbling across this matches a letter in my name, feel free to consider yourself tagged. Mike or Meechie and that's about it. Though Meechie's middle name is Demetrius which would be a bugger to do facts for, hehe. Lucky Kat, her middle name is Ann. How easy is that? I think she should do her full name.

Anyway, my middle name is, funnily enough, Melia. So here goes:

M - Many weird phobias. Such as a bizarre fear of Space. The thought of sort of being abandoned or lost and alone in the vastness of space makes me queasy. Closer to home, I have an irrational, impossible ... *thing* about.. this is hard to describe. Ok, I have some of my DVD collection in my room. The boxes have pix of my fave celebs. I have to either turn the boxes so they don't face me or are covered up because I don't want them to see me naked or something. Isn't that freaky? Yeah I think so too. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that one :) The rational part of my brain laughs at the irrational side quite often. Please still love me :)

E - Easy to talk to. Well, I think I am anyway. I tend to be shy which many people mistake for snobbery but I can assure you I'm probably just too petrified to think of something to say that doesn't make me sound like an asshat. But once I get past the initial hurdle and you know me better, you can't shut me up.

L - Love to talk with an accent. I would so totally speak with several British accents if it didn't make me seem pretentious around here. But I will do it when I'm out and about the town. In the shops or at Starbucks. It cracks me up to be renting a vid at Hastings, talking to Shan with my London accent (luckily, she likes to do it as well) and have the clerk make a fuss. Mean? Nah, just a bit of fun really. Have I ever been caught out? Nope. I've done this since I was in junior high and I delivered newspapers to a retirement community who thought I was an adorable exchange student. Maybe it's just a bid to make myself seem more interesting than I really am. Who knows. Or maybe, just maybe, I simply love doing accents :)

I - I spend far too much time online. That one really needs no further explanation.

A - Am a total grammar nazi. Living in Nebby sometimes does my head in because of the rampant awful grammar. "I seen that movie the other day." "Oh yeah, them are real cute." *shudder* I want to curl up and go to my happy place when I hear stuff like that.

So there you go. Five useless and frankly, bizarre facts about myself. Oh and one more just for fun, 'Melia' is an anagram of 'Email.' It's like the Internet is my destiny. :)


At 8:54 AM, Blogger KathrynAnn said...

I love you chickie, just the way you are:)



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