Sunday, June 01, 2003

It's 7.45am-ish on Sunday morning. Wtf am I doing up? My daughter was away for the night, I stayed up late watching Star Trek movies (bloody hell, how could I have missed First Contact?? It was great!) and I had every intention of sleeping in. Well I was having some disturbing dreams that I don't remember much of apart from leaning over a guy to kiss the tattoo on the back of his neck, which led into a rousing romp of oral sex -nice enough except that we were standing on a roadside in full view of passing traffic. I also remember that this guy (I have no clue who he was but he was good in bed) and I were looking after a guy who was on the run from the NDASP (I clearly remember those initials on some letter written to us). The NDASP are better known as the Nazis.

So anyway I guess that's why I'm awake. I think I'm going to have to stop reading about Hitler. I see in my last blog that I already explained my fascination with the Holocaust etc. Since then I've received a book I ordered from Amazon called 'Hitler's Niece' and I devoured that. A fascinating glimpse into the private Hitler. The book is historical fiction which means a lot of it is supposition based on actual facts. Apparently, and I had never heard about this, but Hitler was in love with his niece, Geli Raubal who was the daughter of his half-sister. Eventually he moved Geli into his flat so that he could monitor her every move and she chafed under his watchful eye. According to several factual accounts, Geli and Hitler had quite a sadistic, masochistic private relationship that sickened Geli and in 1931, she was found dead from a gunshot would to the chest. The weapon was Hitler's gun and it's been a mystery ever since - did she kill herself? Did Hitler do it? Or was it Himmler who was afraid he was losing his Fuehrer to some insignificant girl? "Hitler's Niece" makes its own assumption about that that I won't reveal in case anyone should care to pick up the book. It's written from Geli's POV and I found it excellent. The fictional stuff aside, I learned quite a bit about Hitler pre-WWII. So that's my new little hobby and I've no clue why. I don't care about troop movements or battles - well obviously I don't mean to imply they are meaningless. I want to learn about what made Hitler so evil. I have to admit I feel weird about this as well because I don't 'admire' him or anything (before anyone starts thinking I'm turning into a neo-nazi :) ) It's just that he was so evil, so awful that I can't imagine he was ever human, with feelings and emotions. That's why I guess I'm fascinated by this story of his niece.

Enough of that. I'm hungry.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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