Thursday, May 15, 2003

I had a strange dream this morning. I dreamt I had my little black car in the UK and I was going to the Bournemouth meet. So I drove around Bomo, which looked really weird and almost Roman. I found a parking spot but I didn't realise it was near a small train track. Anyway I go off to the Bomo meet and see some people I know there but I get really really bored (sorry Matt, if you read this :) ). Since I'm only in England for 3 or 4 days, I decide I'd rather drive to London to visit my sister. As I walk back to my car, There's a funky weird train car almost encasing it, so somehow I get on board and sit down. The train car is crowded with people. I have it in my head that my car is in the front of the car that's closed off. Meanwhile the train is making a circuit of Bournemouth and along the way there are beggars hanging over into the car (we were going very slow) and being really aggressive asking for money.

Then the fecking train drops us off seemingly in the middle of a large urban jungle type area - I say urban jungle because we were obviously still in the city, but there was a sort of forest with a couple of paths you could follow where the grass was beaten down. I distinctly remember knowing that if i was on the wrong path, I'd be in trouble. I heard people talking on the other path so i delved into some trees and found myself on that other path which ended up being very near the spot where my car was still parked. But I passed a bar that had no walls or roof. It was a typical pub-type place but the bar itself was actually on the sidewalk. And I remember asking if I could use the phone to call my sister and tell her I was coming. Then I couldn't remember her number and smacking my forhead as I realised it was on my Palm Pilot which was in my desk all the way back in Nebraska. I could remember the first couple of digits, and the last 4 and Information was not very helpful as she wasn't listed yet.

And that's it. Bizarre eh? I don't quite know what to make of it.


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