Sunday, June 08, 2003

Oof Blackhawk Down is a bit of a downer movie. Well, I guess the overall message of the film is a good one. I suppose. *shudder* nevermind I don't wanna go into it. Ahhh so Monday tomorrow. I've decided to make tomorrow my day at home this week. I have meetings on both Wednesday and Friday and nothing sucks more than having to drive into work just for a bloody meeting. I was trying to start alternating Wednesday's and Fridays at home but it's just not working out for me this week. But this is kind of cool, this not having to go in to work on a Monday. Andy was right :) Heheh.. I have been debating which day to choose for a couple months now based upon my desire to either sort of have a three day weekend (either monday or Friday) or to have a 'day off' in the middle of the week. The benefits of all three are pretty good. Oh I know I still have to work, but there's something to be said for doing your work in your PJs :)

I was afraid if I chose Friday, my boss would think I'd use it to slack off and get paid for three day weekends (which I'd never dream of, but you know how bosses are). Monday was kind of the same fear - no one likes to work on Mondays. So Wednesdays seemed safe enough.. Anyway.. sheesh I even bore myself sometimes.

Sorry, I don't feel well. Throat.. nose.. Guess it's good I'm working home tomorrow.

I installed Xp on this comp a couple of days ago and it went fine. But I didn't realise I'd have to reinstall all of my programs :( Ugh. I had so many. Please realise I am not a techie by any means. I've always said that I need to marry a techie/mechanic who has no qualms about killing bugs, and won't make fun of me for not wanting to kill bugs. I know enough about comps to be dangerous and to my credit, I figured out how to grab and install my cable modem's drivers and got that working again. Go me. Anyway, I'm still able to boot up my ME edition and use my stuff but now I have to operating systems running on here. That can't be good. But then, what do I know.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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