Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Wednesday morning and my first day of working from home one day a week. I think I'm going to like this. It was a nice feeling last night knowing I didn't have to haul my ass out of bed at ridiculous o'clock this morning and I can work in my jammies :) I've a lot to do today. I broke one of my work sites right before I left work yesterday and now I have to fix it. *sigh* Silly me. I also hope the stupid IS department doesn't choose today to give me my new computer. They've been pissing me off lately. I blame the director of that department for my depressed mood all flipping day Monday. I got in and checked email, to find one from him directing me to some shit site in Kansas because it was simple and easy to navigate. It was also clunky, ugly and outdated. Then he says he finds our website slow and confusing. Kat said I should have emailed him back saying 'Well I find YOU slow and confusing but you don't see me emailing you about it.' I thought that was quite funny and cheered me right up :) Told my boss about it and he said not to worry about it, web stuff isn't exactly the IS guy's forte, so that made me feeel better too.

I guess I don't handle criticism very well. I mean, I can take it as long as it's constructive. I can't count how many times my boss has made improvement suggestions for the sites. But he does it in such a way that my feelings aren't hurt, and in fact I get enthusiastic about making his changes. But 'slow and confusing'. That hurt. We've only had this site up and running for over a fecking year now and not once did I ever hear that about the site. So I've come to the conclusion that he's a wank.



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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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I'm trying to find found the picture hanging behind David Boreanaz in this screencap. My quest is at an end. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way!

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I like to make dialogue remixes. It's fun damnit. Mostly Buffy/Angel/24/Bones stuff for now.
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Captain John Hart - NEW! A Torchwood remix, feat. James Marsters
Cavemen vs. Astronauts Debate - An audio file of the Great Debate between Spike and Angel

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