Friday, August 15, 2003

I really meant to update this sooner Leigh, I swear it :) So this blog's for you ;)

It's been a busy week. Work, pounding migraine, ice skating, dinners out of town, the discovery that there is a beer or two I can actually drink without grimacing, a memorial service, and other stuff. I've acquired an exercise bike and a printer. I sorted out a major money problem and managed to have dosh left over to buy school supplies and now it's Friday. The big blackout of 2003 has wreaked havoc on the Internet at work as our servers are actually in Philadelphia so I have a valid reason to work from home today. Woohoo!

I'm really chuffed with myself regarding the ice skating. Earlier this year I took the kid and her friend to the rink in Kearney and I managed to stumble around the ice one time before I gave up. I couldn't get my balance and I felt so embarrassed that I had to hug the wall as I went around while everyone else swooshed on by. I used to skate a lot when I was younger and was quite good. But I hadn't been in ohhhh, 15 years at least. Obviously it was not like riding a bike. So when the opportunity came this week to go again, I was actually dreading it. The guy we went with plays hockey and has been skating for over 10 years and so of course I was afraid of looking like an eejit in front of him.

However, I tried a different type of blade this time and little by little, the confidence came back! Soon I was one of the ones swooshing past and feeling so graceful and exhilerated. It was a blast! Ohh I just loved it. I can't wait to go again. The rink has open skating most evenings and it's only 5 bucks to get in. It's going to be the perfect exercise to replace swimming once the pools close for the year. My only whinge is that I wish I didn't have to drive 40 miles to do it. Ah well, it's worth it to me.

Oh the problem turend out that the first time I skated that was such a disaster, I had rented the skates with a toepick on the front of the blade. They kept catching the ice and making me feel clumsy and as if I was about to fall over with each glide of the skate. This time I got the smooth blades and that totally made all the difference.

Anyway, so that's been my week. I spent some time happily watching the Bomo spods at the big TCZ meet last weekend - thanks to Matt and his webcams. I can't belive they played Twister at 3 in the morning. Crazy kids. Had a nice big blowout amongst the reds and the admin on Sunday that was just no fun to clean up and deal with and it ended up disrupting the big meet somewhat which was uncool. Then spent the week just having fun and hanging out. We had a short memorial service for my aunt out at the cemetery which was nice. It will be nice to have a place to visit for her.

And that's about it. Fun eh?


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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