Monday, August 04, 2003

Well my grandad is back home now and he looks great - tho my granny will not let him nap in his chair anymore :) Which has in turn meant that he sleeps great at night. Go figure. But it's kind of odd now, it's like we've been given a second chance but in a surreal weird kind of way. When I see him now I can't help but think that he might not have made it. It's so morbid :( So he gets extra hugs and kisses all the time now.

We did a little shopping for the grandparents over the weekend and checked to make sure he was getting on all right. Then we mostly stayed in this weekend. Very hot around here - humid etc.. I hate going to the pool on the weekend because of the crowds - no fun to swim when all you're really doing is dodging innertubes and splashy kids. So we go later in the evening during the week and practically have it all to ourselves. Anyway, so we rented some videos. Avoid Solaris at all costs. That is an hour and a half I'll never get back. Horrible film and even George Clooney's naked bum did nothing for me. There was very little I wanted to rent this weekend so I ended up getting pretty much all shite movies. Kangaroo Jack could have been funnier if Disney had done it. There were a few chuckles but it was mostly shite. I've got Jurassic Park 3 and Die Another Day left to watch. Dunno if I'm all that enthused about either.

What else is happening... Not much... Had a lovely chat with an old friend over the weekend which was nice. I love it when that happens. Took the kidlet for a haircut which turned out rather nice despite my inability to convey what kind of style I wanted to see on her. Hairdressers usually intimidate me. Even Meechie somewhat. My best friend and I still feel silly if I ask him to do my hair a certain way. But as I don't get to have him as my stylist very often it's not really an issue.

I also think I may be losing my mind a little. Friday, I got out of the shower and dried off etc, got dressed. Went to work, wondered in passing why I had such a tremendous wedgie. Sorted it out when I got to my office and went about my routine. Went to the caf for brekkie, came back with the same wedgie and then it hit me, I had put my knickers on backwards. What a dolt. Then this morning I got dressed flitted about the house getting ready to go to work when I realised I had put my shirt on inside out. I thnk I might be slightly mad, but I think I'm going to call myself eccentric if I go out in public with my knickers on backwards and my shirt inside out.


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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