Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Right so... I think I finally got through to the bellydancer. I think she finally realised I'm not at fault and her own stupid business tactics failed her. Maybe she learned a valuable lesson from all of this too. Anyway she *says* she'll be sending me my final check whenever some greek church pays her for work she did on costumes for them. I seriously doubt I'll ever see that money. Kind of sucks really because I'm really down to my last few quarters. Good job tomorrow's payday.

Anyway, It's been a tight couple of months but I don't feel too horrible about it. I feel sort of hopefull and energised about a lot of things right now. I've been in tighter spots back when I was making half of what I make now. I just need to sit down and go through every one of my expenses and work out some kind of schedule. I make more than my bills now, yet somehow, somewhere I'm spending more than I should and I end with nothing. Anyway I've got vacation coming up in a week so I'll sort it out then.

What else is going on... Oh not much. I've been spending quality time with Kiefer Sutherland *grin*. Well, not really but I have become addicted to his show '24'. I don't really watch a lot of primetime television - in fact I think the only show I watch religiously is 'Survivor'. But now I guess I have to add season three of '24' to my viewing schedule. A couple of weeks ago, I rented the first season DVDs, mainly because there was fuckall else to rent at the time, and I'd always heard it's an excellent show. But I missed the first few episodes of it when it debuted and I'd also always heard that if you do that, you're screwed for being able to follow the plot. So I didn't bother to watch any of it. Same thing happened during season 2. I'm all caught up now tho baby :) My god this is the best show I've ever seen. I simply love it.

After I became hooked on the show I started looking up Kiefer's bio because even tho I've been a fan of his from the day I saw him in Lost Boys (can you believe he was only 17 when he made that???? I can't.) I can't think of anything I've seen him in lately. Apparently '24' is his 'comeback' or whatever. I didn't even realise he'd been off the radar. I just adore him :) Yes I've fallen into another one of my little obsessions with actors and I'm not happy about it. I get really preoccupied when I get hooked on one. Ahhhh well... This too shall pass. I haven't reached the point of wanting to create a website for him or the show yet :) hehehehe.

Anyway season three - October 28th - woohoo!


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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