Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Wheee Titles :)

Ok so I'm becoming more and more impressed with Blogger's capabilities. Now I can have titles. Nifty :) Problem is I can't think of a title first before the blog - usually. Oh well, minor inconvenience.

So I'm getting sucked further and further into my fixation on Kiefer Sutherland. *sigh* I don't know what my damn problem is. Maybe it's just hormones. I blame the internet mostly. Before I got online, I'd see a flick and think 'oh yeah, he's hot.' and that would be the end of it. Maybe I'd have a sex dream or two involving said actor deciding he couldn't live without me *grin* and well, that would pretty much be the end of it. These days, I have far too much access to archived interviews, trailers, movie updates, interviews other obsessed fans made of when they appeared on Leno and dumped online to feed my craving. I waste ages trying to delve a little bit into what makes these guys tick.

Believe me I feel incredibly silly talking about this. I don't like to let people see how weird I am but I've got a blog and I'm gonna use it. I want this to be a no-holds-barred journal so there you go. I... am a weirdo. Anyway, getting back to Kiefer... I can't sum him up. I, of course, don't know him as a person and never will really, all I know about him is his work and the articles I've read. No way does that give me any true insight to what he, or any other celeb is like as a plain old human being. So I think a lot of my attraction to him is based on the parts he's played. Same with the other 2 or 3 actors I get like this about. I like stories about tortured individuals involved in some kind of struggle - mental or physical. Kiefer happens to play a lot of those. I find it fascinating that in one film he can exude pure evil like in Eye for an Eye where he plays a rapist and in another film play an abused young man who's so traumatised that he can't speak as in 'Trapped in Silence'. Amazing. Maybe I simply admire the talent. Maybe I'm just letting my inner teenie out for a stroll. It's hard to say. I'm sitting here writing this, feeling like such a dweeb and yet also feeling like I have to explain why I'm a dweeb.

Actually I've been wondering who the next little obsession was going to be. That's how it works you see, I get hooked on one from seeing a film and then stupid me gets online and starts reading about the actor, or at least about the film that got me hooked and it just snowballs from there. With Kiefer it was a little different as I'd actually been a fan of his since Lost Boys. In fact, I can remember when that came out because my friends and I were so chuffed that it was filmed in nearby Santa Cruz. Half of the opening scenes were like seeing my home on the big screen :) Anyway at the time I was big on vampires and into Anne Rice goth-y stuff, so naturally I was completely *phwoar* over Kiefer's vampire. He was very yum.

So now that he's on 24, I find myself back into Kiefer-dom. It's not a bad place to be really :)

Right so.. Summing up, I am really just a hormonal teenager with the hots for some actor. I am just a heartbeat away from creating a fansite, and I have Jack Bauer as my desktop theme. *sigh*


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