Saturday, May 21, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

Call me geek, call me nerd, call me whatever you like I don't care. I fecking LOVED this movie. We've seen it twice now and I think we'll hit it one more time in a week or two before we settle in for the long wait for the DVD. I'm just happy to be able to savour the movie on the big screen. I'm a longtime fan though I admit there are more devoted fans than I out there - you know, the ones who dress up for the premieres and subject themselves to ridicule for it from people with no sense of fun.

But it was a great show and it was made even more fun by going to the midnight premiere Wednesday night (or Thursday morning if you're going to be anal about stuff like that.) Wednesday morning Mike from work told me everyone going was going to hang out at Perkins until about 11:15 or 11:30pm chugging coffee and hyping themselves up. However this clashed with my own anal need to make sure we get a good seat and plan to arrive at the theatre by 10-ish.

So I said I'd check the place out then, and if it wasn't a madhouse, the kid and I would meet everyone at Perkins. If it was a madhouse at 10, I'd ring him and tell him everyone needs to forego the coffee and get their asses down there.

Well it was a madhouse. A few die-hards had been at the theatre since 5pm camped out with the folding chairs etc. By the time Shan and I got there it was a zoo. Both shows were sold out. So I called Mike, passed on the info and soon we were in our seats, near the back but it was best we could do with seven of us trying to find a row of seats together.

The atmosphere was crackly and tingling with excitement. The noise level was a dull roar mingled with the odd bellow from the drunk seated one seat over from Shan. He kept shouting at people and being incredibly vulgar with the language. I'm no prude but there were actually people there with their kids - myself included - and it was just not on. I didn't realize he was drinking because yes, I am that stupid. I was therefore amazed when, after management booted him and his drinking buddy out, she proceeded to pull out can after can of Bud Light from under his seat. What an asshole. Anyway he left with his tail between his legs as the entire theatre burst out with appreciate applause when the mall rent-a-cop showed up. So yay!

Up at the front the true geeks were there in their Jedi costumed glory and they flicked their light-up sabres around and posed for pictures. They were having a great time and I envied them for that. I envy anyone who doesn't give a toss what others think about them, because trust me, they were ridiculed plenty.

Anyway, soon the lights dimmed and another loud round of applause burst out. Of course then we had to sit through trailers, but that's ok - some were quite good and there were a few for films I'm looking forward to this summer :)

But the second the loud symphony began playing the opening strains of the Star Wars theme and the logo appeared on screen, the applause became a roar of approval and glee. This was the moment all of us wanted. When the scrolling words of the opening scenario began to roll, we quieted down and settled into our seats for a hell of a ride.

After, there was more applause and we began to file out. Mostly there were sly grins on everyone's face and it didn't take long for the 'What did you think?' questions. Shan and I just sort of grinned as we stumbled to our car. Unable to truly articulate how we felt about the film we just sort of waved at the others and then drove home. The impact needed to be digested.

Both of us were tired having been awake for nearly 21 hours straight and Shan went straight to bed. But I had to write my column, or finish it rather. I ended up writing about my feelings of anticipation before and how I felt afterwards which meant I had to sit down and try and put into words how I felt afterwards. It was difficult but I managed. I then sank into bed and - I'm not kidding - I had a melange of dreams about Star Wars. Nothing I can really recall, but I know when I woke in a panic at 9am because I was supposed to email my column in I had vivid recollections for a while about the dreams. It was cool :)

Anyway, you can read the column here. It appeared in Friday's paper along with Mike and Scott's hilarious and excellent Toy Movie Review Theater. (It's a PDF file, just so you know. I'm not sure but you might also need to register with to view it and I'm sorry about that. The paper went to registration in February. But it's worth it and it's free.) I loved it. Apparently they did the same thing last year for the Spiderman movie and they won some awards for it. Good on them, it was fun.

Shan and I went to see Sith again this morning and the theater was less crowded which was nice. So much detail I missed the first time so it was good to go again and catch more to it.

It's been a fun week.

Aside from the Star Wars week, I had my followup with the doc. I can't remember if I blogged about having to go to the ER a month or so ago because I had a high fever, but anyway, when I was there they checked my blood and discovered I was very very anemic. To the point of them really wanting to admit me to hospital. I wouldn't let them tho so they let me go and prescribed iron pills. They did scare me enough though and I took them faithfully, ate every iron-rich food I could find, and bought over the counter iron pills for when the prescrip ran out.

Then I went to the doc so they could check again and then I had to come back in a week and get the results. I guess my BP was also high so they were checking that too. Anyway, Doc says I'm fine. Iron levels had climbed back up into the normal area and my BP was way down. He was attributing that to the fact that I was nervous about seeing a new doc, and at the ER I was naturally freaked about being in the ER and I was feverish. So my BP is good, my iron is fine, I feel a million times better than I have for a long time, so i guess being so sick was a good thing.

So it's been a good week :)

Ooo and also my Forever Knight DVDs arrived (Thanks Matt!) Yeah, Things are good right now.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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