Sunday, August 21, 2005

Movie weekend

It's been a weekend full of movies. Again. Not that that's a bad thing of course :) Thursday night we caught the last half of The Matrix on telly and Shannon was really taken with it. So because I'd never seen the sequels, I thought it would be fun to rent the trilogy and watch them altogether.

I also picked up Sin City while I was at Blockbuster.

Well we finished the trilogy this morning, and I have to say this: "Huh?" What a convoluted mess intersparsed with brilliant cinematography and fantastic fight sequences. I'm talking about the sequels now, and not the original Matrix which is really quite good. But I was disappointed with the sequels and so as Shan. Ah well.

We also popped over to the mall and caught a second viewing of Willy Wonka in a near-empty theatre which was nice. It's still fun the second time around. We were discussing it afterwards and the subject of the original came up. I mentioned that from what I've heard and read, there really is no happy medium between Chocolate Factory friends. You either love Wilder's and hate Depp's or you Love Depp's and and hate Wilder's. Surely it's possible people to enjoy both? I mean really now. They're both approached in completely different ways and I've enjoyed both versions.

Anyway, so we've watcheed a lot of viddies tis weekend. I'm just waiting for dinner to finished up in the micro and then I'm going to watch Sin City. I'm lookin forward to it even though I'm inexcusably uninformed about anything Frank Miller. I just thought the trailers looked awesome.

Lots going on this week. Get to see Jo again (yay!) even though the circumstances could be different. That part of my family's going through some rough right now and I feel bad for them.

Work's going well, I think. Busy. Still plugging away on the entertainment site and I hope to have time this week to wrap it up. We're launching soon and I don't think I have any fingernails left for all the biting.

Ahh micro's done. Off to enjoy some sin :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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