Sunday, December 04, 2005

Oh yeah...

I stopped watching Extreme Home Makeover earlier this year. Turned it on tonight because I'm sick of my movies atm and there's nothing else on. And then I remembered why I stopped watching the show: it's emotionally draining. I'm an emotional wuss to begin with but when the first five minutes of a TV show have you sobbing uncontrollably maybe it's time to pop in a movie - any movie. Jeesh.

To be fair this one was about a father and his three girls, and the young mother died of a pulmonary embolism and the father found her dead in their bedroom, alone, and the oldest child (6 years old) kept crying and ugh, I was a goner. My mom's death hit me hard just then. Pulmonary embolism. Dying alone. And I'm a goner again.

So now I'm watching something else.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, that's so funny that you watched that one because that was the night that channel 8 actually came in and, for a change, I watched that show for the first time and cried like a bitch. A big teary mess I was. It's not a good thing.

(oh, by the way this is),


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