Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Xmas Damnit

There's nothing like Fanatical Christians to take the joy out of the season. Without getting into my own religious preferences, I just want to say that if I have to read one more comment, hear one more news story, come across one more holy-roller who tells me how I should wish seasons greetings this year I might just scream and celebrate it in July instead.

When this whole idiotic "War on Christmas" story came out a couple of weeks ago, I just sort of rolled my eyes and dismissed it from my mind. But apparently, dedicated Christians have glommed onto this nonsense issue in a big way and now everywhere I turn I have them dictating to me where I should and shouldn't shop, how I should articulate my well wishes for my fellow man and dropping I'm-better-than-you comments on blogs I love to visit.

It's pissing me off. And the thing that pisses me off the most is that the most vocal are the sheep who haven't bothered to do their research. There's no evil meaning in typing "Xmas" over "Christmas." There's no malicious, subversive intent when a shopkeeper says, "Happy holidays." I don't understand why this suddenly became an issue. Stores have been saying "holidays" for years. It's a holiday season for crying out loud - Thanksgiving, XMAS, and the New Year. They're just trying to cover their bases.

So basically I just wanted to rant about this freaking idiotic "war" and say, "get over yourselves morons."

Happy holidays :)


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