Monday, December 05, 2005

Late night blather

Apparently Serenity will be playing this weekend at the superscreen in Hastings. Neat! Then it comes out just before xmas so W00t. And according to Mike they're thinking about doing some straight to DVD stuff. Not sure how that would go. Doesn't straight to DVD equal crap? Wonder if Whedon will be involved.

I don't really know what to blog about tonight. I just felt the need to get past my last post. Was a bit of a downer. It was just surprising to me. It's been over four years since Mom died and you know, time passes, should get easier and it does. But apparently the smallest things can bring it all rushing back and knock you over. All the man said on the show - the thing that hurt him the most about losing his wife - was that she died alone. That sent me over the edge for a bit.

It was also weird today because Jack was over by my desk and he noticed my favourite sketch Mom did of Shannon looking thoroughly pissed off at having to get out of the pool. He asked about it and I got to brag on Mom a little because I think she was a wonderful artist. We got to talking a little and I mentioned she worked for the paper, on the copy desk no less. He joked about wanting to know if she wanted her job back since they're down a couple people and I had to cringe and tell him that she died - cringing not because he made a faux pas because he didn't. It was just one of those moments where you know you have to say, "Well she passed away" and the moment becomes awkward etc. I felt bad for putting Jack in that position.

Anyway it was weird that just last night I was really missing Mom and today I talked about her with someone. Maybe it's not that weird. I dunno.

So now it's past 10 o'clock and I'm not all that tired. I'm a little bored though. Blogspot seems to be down right now so I can't peruse my usual stops and nothing else is appealing. I watched "8mm" earlier. Hadn't seen it in a while. Good movie but Cage was sort of wooden through most of it. Maybe it's just the way he speaks - there's something about it that's annoying. Joaq was great though. Love him with the blue hair working in a porn barn.

Actually - and Gary and Jo you may want to turn away here - but the "adult" store Joaq worked at was eerily similar to one in Monterey. Both had the long black hallway with quarter booths on one side and a small cinema on the other so you walk in and it's like grunts and moans in stereo. Both have exits that come out in a back alley parking area... You're asking how I know this :) No I'm not a regular customer of such purveyors of perversions. But when you're 18, and live in a town like Monterey where it caters to either the rich or the over 21s, there's not much else to do. And Meechie, my best friend, actually *was* a frequent visitor at the bookstore. Occasionally he'd drag me along.

And believe me I'd go in and try to act like it didn't phase me but jeez, the things they have in places like that would curl your hair. And I did often feel the need for a shower upon exiting through said dark hallway of porn. But yeah, so the porn shop in the movie reminded me of the bookstore in old Monterey :)

All righty I'm feeling sleepy now so off I go.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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