Wednesday, November 29, 2006

That time again

I'm having fun decorating the new place for Christmas. If I could just keep Spooky from eating the lower branches of our tree it would be perfect.

But this year is kind of special. Not only are we in the new place and digging it (OMG a GARAGE!) but this year I've found some of my mother's decorations. It's rather nice having those out. AND I can put up lights outside! I feel like such a grownup.

Pretty eh? First time we've done all white lights on the tree too. I kind of like it.

Another decoration of Mom's I've got out (I don't know why we put these things out really, I mean it's only Shannon and me, but it's just *nice*. Like putting fuzzy slippers on, curling up in a chair with a steaming mug of cocoa and reading a favourite book) is the Ballroom scene. It's a bunch of Victorian figurines dancing around a ballroom via magnets while tinny Christmas music plays. It's kind of sweet to watch actually. Hypnotizing even.

Just ask Spooky:

I can't keep her away from it when it's on. Look closely. Little bugger is balancing on her hind legs like a meerkat. It's most amusing.

So what's on the books for us... We'll be off to Cousin Gunter and new Cousin Beca's wedding reception in a couple of weeks. I'm ChaCha-ing my ass off to make Xmas this year extra nice. If you haven't tried ChaCha, check it out. It's pretty nice, especially if you're not very tech savvy and Googling does your head in. Search via ChaCha and let a guide do all the work for you :)

Signing off for now. Need to ponder a new design for Running On...


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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