Friday, June 29, 2007

Baseball is very niiiice

We're back in Great Falls today and Charlotte's house was a gathering point for a multitude of people coming for the backyard wedding tomorrow. Charlotte has a huge family and so several of her brothers and sisters and assorted spouses met up here and at around 6:30pm we all headed for the stadium to watch the Great Falls White Sox take on the Billings Mustangs in the first of a three-game series.

Gary had reserved the stadium's new MVP section for us right behind the visiting team's dugout so we got to heckle at close range. I dug watching the game from that area. We got a cool free baseball cap and program and some food and drinks and had a great view of the game and accompanying thunderstorm.

The game went on for around 15 innings I believe. We gave up and left after the 14th though because everyone was pretty knackered and tomorrow's a big day :) But the Sox prevailed and all in all a good time was had.

Here's a few more shots of the fam watching the game:

From right to left: Swi (Gary's best friend), Tom, Jo, Gary and Swi's wife Ann (turned away taking a pic of her own)

Gary and Swi watch the game intently :)

Shannon poses in the cool hat.

The Bride and Groom :) I'm not sure who the other peeps are as of right now but I think they're related to Charlotte.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger KathrynAnn said...

wait a minute, YOU went and ENJOYED a sports event???? The times when I've told you how great this baseball game or this soccer game was and your eyes glazed over...
Miracle do happen.
How bout a Cubs game?:)

At 8:31 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Hey there's a definite difference between having to watch some game on telly and actually BEING at the field :) The vibe is different - more fun, especially when you're there with a crowd of peeps enjoying the game too :)

I'd have fun AT a soccer or baseball game. I would be bored to tears sitting in my living room watching it on tv.

So ner ;P


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