Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Helena and the Woodchopper

Well here we are on our last full day in Lincoln, Montana. It's been a relaxing, peaceful stay up here in the cabin in the woods. In the mornings Shan and I walk up to Ponder'Rose's and get a mocha and a chai and meander back to the cabin in time to either help with some small chore or relax under the pines with a good book and a campfire.

If it's been hot enough, we'll dip our toes in the creek, but it's actually been on the chilly side up here. Envy me all you Nebraskans suffering in the blistering heat and humidity. Muahahahaha.

Yesterday, Jo, Shannon and I drove into Helena to wander around the walking mall there and pick up some good bread from a very good bread place there whose name escapes me. We also stopped at Hastings and Shannon found the DVDs she'd been searching for dead cheap and I found a movie I've also been looking for, dead cheap. I also picked up the next Anita Blake novel - Tonga I couldn't wait to borrow it and I'm so out of stuff to read up here so I just bit the bullet and bought it :)

Here's a few pix of Helena:

This weird dog art thingie has a mural of Helena painted all around it. It's in the walking mall area. I thought it was bizarre :)

Another sculpture in the walking mall, this time of a couple miners panning for gold. This I didn't think was so bizarre, but I liked it.

This is one of my infamous 'hold the digi up to the bug-gut-covered window and snap a shot' pics. It was just some pretty scenery on the way back to Lincoln on Highway 279 somewhere. I'm not sure what mountain is in the distance, but it still has snow on its peaks.

Today, Shannon and I got lessons in splitting wood :) It's hard work, but oddly satisfying if you picture someone who bugs the crap out of you and need to take out your frustrations. Here's some shots of our lessons:

Shannon sets a determined face as she swings the old axe. The axe she was using is the one Aunt Jo and Tom used at their place in the Ozarks over 20 years ago. It's pretty cool.

Here's Tom showing us how it's done:

Showoff :)

Anyway, we're headed back to Great Falls tomorrow sometime and I believe we're going to watch the Great Falls White Sox play and have a sort of prenup picnic before the festivities on Friday. Tom and I are both ordained ministers so either of us could perform Gary and Char's wedding but Tom's voice is more ministerial :) So he gets to do it. I'm quite ok with that because I get too nervous and sniffly at weddings.

We might go to a reggae fest in downtown GF after the wedding but that's up in the air. Then Saturday it back on the road and home to Nebby. We're doing the drive in one go again so Sunday and Monday will be spent recovering from it.


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At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw "Helena" in your title and thought to myself: I guess they are listening to My Chemical Romance while up in the woods. Yes. I am a dork not that we had a doubt.

S'ok you got the next book. Glad you did. It means you like the series too and are getting sucked in. HEE! HEE!


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