Sunday, July 15, 2007


So a lot has gone on since my last post on the day of Gary and Charlotte's wedding :) We're back home now and we're back into the daily life that is summertime in GI. Shannon has turned 16 *sniffle* and on that day she breezed through her drivers exam and has now joined the ranks of driving elite. Yesterday she made her first foray out and about in my car with a friend. A Gulp moment for me, that's for sure. But she's a good driver and I trust her. Unlike me who was a thoughtless terror at 16, having spent more time grounded from driving than actually getting to drive.

She also had a fun time renting out the Grand Theatre for three hours so she and her friends could play video games on the big screen. That was pretty cool actually. Try F-Zero on a movie screen while perched on the stage beneath the screen. It was vomit-inducing :)

Today we spent some time pillaging the annual Huge Book Sale the Hastings library puts on every year. Thousands of books, dead cheap. Today, the last day of the sale, it's pretty much "All the books you can fit in a bag for a dollar."

So here's what we walked away with for the princely sum of $2.18:

A History of Europe from the Reformation to Present Day (Present day being 1925. It's an old book.)
A History of Russia
The High Renaissance (Not sure if it's fiction or non, we were just grabbing by the end of it)
Mother India (Shannon's choice)
Russian Diary
A travel book on India
2005 ACT prep book (Shannon's choice. My good little girl :) She'll be taking them this year.
Arachnophobia (neither is sure how that got in the bag)
7 hardback Victoria Holt novels. I loved them back in the day.
World According to Garp
A lovely copy of DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover
2 VC Andrews paperbacks. What? Shutup.
Nicholas and Alexandra (The Russian Tzar and his wife) Not quite sure if this is fictional fluff or not, but I love reading about Rasputin and the Tzar.
A new copy of Michener's 'Centennial' because my copy fell apart.
Michener's "The Covenant"
Woodward and Bernstein's All the President's Men
Paperback of Thorn Birds. I have it in hrdback but I figured, what the hell.

Not a bad bloody deal eh? Most of these are hardbacks. TWO DOLLARS for all of these! I'm very chuffed. And now I have enough stuff to read to keep me busy until next year's sale :)


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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Help me out here...

I'm trying to find found the picture hanging behind David Boreanaz in this screencap. My quest is at an end. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way!

Mel's Mixes...

I like to make dialogue remixes. It's fun damnit. Mostly Buffy/Angel/24/Bones stuff for now.
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Captain John Hart - NEW! A Torchwood remix, feat. James Marsters
Cavemen vs. Astronauts Debate - An audio file of the Great Debate between Spike and Angel

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