Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's homecoming tonight and the kid is off, all dressed up with flowers in her hair. I took a piccy with my cell and promptly forgot to hit 'save.' So no pics. So it's just me tonight and I'm bored.

I did make a new tune... Finished it up today. It's quite creepy and I like it a lot :) I call it 'Deviant.' I really dig Sony's Acid Pro. It's a lot of fun making these weird songs.

Mostly I've been catching up on my Tivo-ing today. I looked at my playlist and couldn't believe all the shows I forgot to watch. I'm down to the Torchwoods I've recorded off BBCa. I was right, they edited the juicy stuff out for the Yanks. Wankers. I want to buy the DVDs but damned if I'm going to shell out 60 or 70 bucks for a 13 episode series. It's ridiculous. I could buy the entire 22 episode series of Buffy or Angel right now for around 20 bucks. It irritates me that the Torchwood and Who's are so expensive :(

Oh, I watched 'Last House on the Left' last night. It was more disturbing than scary. And I think my intense dislike of all things 70s kind of coloured my view of it. I really hate that decade. Thank goodness I have few memories of it. But, I can see why the film is a cult classic. I just couldn't really get into it. I've got 'Carnival of Souls,' 'The Ring 2' (the first Ring kinda freaked me a little and I've been told the second one is scarier. We shall see.) and '28 Days Later' coming next week.

Well I think I' up for a while. I've had a mocha and I'm sort of wired. Wired and Bored. Think I'll go see what sort of trouble I can get into.


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Asinine Army said...

It's easy to hate "Last House." In fact, I think I hate "Last House." The reason it's worth watching is it's the mark so many horror filmmakers shot for and DIDN'T reach. That says something about the sorry state of the genre.

Cool song, BTW>

At 11:20 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

I think the story idea for it was really good and if shot properly, it could have been an amazing film. I read that Craven had to edit the crap out of it to get it away from an X-rating and perhaps a lot of stuff was lost due to that. It did seem quite choppy. Looks like there's a remake of it happening too according to imdb.

You liked the tune? Cool, thanks :)

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Asinine Army said...

I don't understand why there needs to be an official "Last House" remake as it's already been remade about a thousand times. You'll like "Carnival of Souls" better even though it has a "pace suitable for a couph syrup addict." It's really slow but it's pretty cool all the way around.

At 12:06 AM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Right on. As long as it's not set in the bloody 70s, I'll be happy. Did I mention I hate that decade?

Ahh, I see it was made in '62. Good. The 60s I can deal with.


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