Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Real Horrorshow

Came home to find my latest Netflixes waiting for me :) Every year as it gets closer to Halloween I find myself in the mood to be scared out of my gourd by a scary movie. The problem is that it's difficult to find a movie that's truly scary. Usually they end up being mere gorefests.

Gore squicks me, it doesn't scare me. I'll tell you what scares me:

- Freaky-looking woods at night.
- Things I can't see.
- Ghosty things as long as they aren't cheesy.
- It's more terrifying to me to open a door to a basement and not see anything but an inky blackness, not knowing what's down there than it is to open a door and have some ax-wielding psycho chop your arms off in blood-spattering glee.
- Abandoned buildings, mental hospitals in particular.
- Hauntings.

Things that don't scare me:
- Things I can't bring myself to believe if the story's not somewhat plausible.
- Demonic stuff doesn't frighten me. Exorcist - freaky and cool but scary? not so much.
- The aforementioned gore. I'm not saying I'm against gory movies, I'm just saying they don't really scare me.

Eh, that's all I can think of. My problem is that I may be too desensitized to be truly scared. I can't think of a single film since Blair Witch that's freaked me out. Before you send me hatemail for stating Blair Witch is scary I just want to say save it. Some people it scared, some people just laughed at it. For me, it's got the potentially haunted and freaky woods, the creepy things happening at night, increasingly scared kids lost and stumbling on increasingly scary items (the effigies hanging in the clearing? ca-reepy) and the added bonus of all the viral marketing making folks think it was real. I'm sufficiently creative enough in my imagination to let myself go and get truly scared by the film. I dug it. Sue me.

Anyway, so I've been on a quest to find a good scary movie. A friend made some great recs and so I'm looking forward to watching 'Last House on the Left' this weekend. I've also got one called 'Psycho Beach Party' but I just liked the title. Dunno if it's actually scary.

Here's hoping!

...Later that night...

Psycho Beach Party was great! So totally not scary, but more of an hilarious and campy take on Gidget-y type movies and slasher flicks. Boyish gal longs to be noticed by the boys so she ingratiates herself into a bunch of surfer dudes. Little do they know she's a little... off. Anyway it's a cool little b-movie.

The search for teh scary goes on (I will look into The Descent - thanks!)


At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean--spurting blood and scattered entrails don't really do it for me, either, except as an appetite suppressant.

You might try "The Descent" if you haven't seen it. The gore factor isn't bad, and it scared the beejeezus out of me. Good movie, too.


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