Thursday, September 06, 2007


It's an interesting process, the catching of a cold. When you sit at a desk working away and your face begin to heat up a little. You might sneeze a couple of times but you won't think anything of it. (side note - god I love to sneeze.) But an hour passes by and you feel a slightly annoying tickle at the back of your throat. You clear the throat a couple of times but by then you can feel your sinus passages filling up with fluids that will either run down your throat and aggravate that tickle, or come out your nose, most likely when you're chatting to someone.

Your head starts to pound a little, the fluids building up make it feel like an anvil and it's not long now before your skin is sore to the touch, your throat begins hurting with every swallow and not even ice cream can soothe it.

All of this happens within the space of an afternoon. By the time you leave for the day, your feet are dragging as you walk out to the car, all your joints hurt when you move, and all you can focus on is coming home, crawling in bed and hope this thing passes quickly.

That was me yesterday, and today was worse. Couldn't even stay at the office the whole day. I don't want to infect anyone and frankly, sitting and staring at my screen was torture. Eyes watering, snot running, voice getting that sexy, deep gravelly sound - well, that part I kind of dig, but it never lasts.

I slept this afternoon but I despise taking naps. I always feel like utter shite when I wake up from one. I finished snagging a couple more episodes of Torchwood while I dozed so I just got done watching those. I'm doped on decongestants that do nothing but make my mouth dry and vitamins. I'm afraid to take echinacea because my skin reacts to it so I'm afraid I won't get over this as quickly as the kid did. She got sick Sunday afternoon and today she's all better.

Anyway, enough whinging. I'd rather go on and on about what a bloody brilliant show Torchwood is. I might even like it better than Dr. Who. At first I was shocked by how, erm, graphic the show is, and the fact they can say 'shit' and 'fuck' on BBC3 after 9pm apparently. American television is so uptight. Stupid censors.

When I say shocked, I mean that in a good way. It's refreshing to me since I don't really watch much of the stuff on the movie channels (Soprano's and that's about it) but you wouldn't catch the unedited Soprano's on CBS or something. I think unedited Torchwood would probably have to be shown on HBO or Showtime. It's premiering on BBCAmerica this Saturday, but I bet the edit the crap out of it :(

If you dunno what Torchwood is, it's basically a spinoff of Dr. Who. Torchwood is meant to be a secret agency dealing with aliens and their technology, and they bastardize that stuff in order to arm the human race in case of invasion. They're a team of five atm led by Captain Jack Harkness who was featured in a few eps of Who. Jack is an immortal Time Agent but his TW team does not know this.

When I say the show is graphic, I mean that in a way I'm not used to. I'm a yank after all I was shocked recently watching something on FX and they said 'Shit.' Blew me away. I grew up with censors an I remember what a fight it was to get them to allow the word 'bitch' on primetime. Anyway, Best example of what they get away with on TW is the second episode.

An meteor crashes to earth and the entity inside escapes and inhabits the body of a young woman. She's a club kid type. The entity basically needs to powerful energy created by orgasms to survive. Weird eh? So this chick is shagging like crazy (and wow do they show more than the love scenes on Yank tv shows. No artfully placed sheets here.) I'm talking up against the wall stuff. Ok, bit of an eye-opener for me, but it was the next scene where the security guy has to explain to Jack and the team how the bloke she was shagging died (oh yeah, once she gets off, whomever she's doing explodes and dusts like a vamp.) He was watching them on cctv cam and having a wank. And THAT would never be shown here.

It wasn't shown in detail on TW either. Was just a facial (ha!) shot but you knew what he was up to. I know I keep going on about me being taken aback but it was only because I'm jealous of how much freer the UK, hell Europe in general is about stuff like that. You don't think about it really, living here in the states , but when you see stuff like this that you know is on a normal channel across the pond, it makes you a little pissed at conservatives who are forever 'guarding the nation's morals' by threatening to boycott blah blah blah if the networks don't conform to their narrow views. Turn the feckin' tv off if you don't like what you see. Change the channel. Guard your own damn morals and let me mind mine.

Well.. bit of a tangent there. Blame my meds.

Anyway Torchwood good. Fluid in sinuses bad and my morals are just fine thank you very much.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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