Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bloggin' the Emmy's

It's Emmy night. Really the only award I care about is whether Kiefer Sutherland will beat Gandolfini for Best Actor. I don't think he will but we'll see.

The awards seem to be going ok so far, even with Seacrest hosting. Stewie and Brian opened with a song and dance peppered with digs at the other networks (except FOX, hehe) and Seacrest was mildly funny (and blessedly brief.)

Was glad to see Terry O'Quinn win. I lurve him. They're doing the show 'in the round' which is a little strange and offputting. The actors look a little lost when they finish their speeches. They don't know which way to go to get offstage.

I've somehow hit some button on my remote console that has turned on close captioning. I do not know which button out of the myriad of buttons on this damn thing turns it off.
Whahey, Thomas Hayden Church won for something... cool!! I loved him on Wings.

You know I don't like the music that they jack up to get the actors offstage. I know they have time issues, but you know, it's a big moment for some of these actors. They should get enough time to gush and cry and thank God, their drama teachers from high school, their gardeners.. I'd watch it all.

Aww Jon Cryer... He will forever and always be... the Duckman. Best writing in a comedy series. The nominee short films were freakin' hilarious. Conan's writing team won. Good for them :)

Close captioning still bugging me. Which bloody button shuts it off???!!! Argh.

Hmmm Tony Bennett and Aguilera... Not bad. I especially like the dancers in undone tuxes. Yum. Ok I know Christina can sing and all. Good set of pipes and all that but I'm just not a fan of the runs she does. Let's hit every note on the scales while singing one word. Yawn.

Oh man Kiefer looks damn good presenting. 'Scuse me while I go have a cold shower. Holy cow how cool, Robert Duvall won the award he was presenting and Duvall made a point of telling everyone what a good horseman Kiefer is. Cool :) Oh turn off the music already, it's Robert freaking Duvall. Let the man tell his story.

Standing O for Roots. Teh awesome. Took me a long time to get used to seeing Levar Burton as Jordy on TNG. I remember seeing Roots back in the day so he was always Kunta to me.

Yeah I think it's gonna be a Soprano's kind of night. Despite Imperioli not winning Best Supporting, it just won for Best Director. Aaaand it just won for Best Writing.

The Daily Show wins. Again. Which is great :) It's a good show.

Ahhh found the blasted button. Closed captioning is now gone and I can get on with my life.

Yeah ok I've skipped a bit. The Jersey Boys just did a nice little tribute then they trotted out the cast of the show for a final bow which was nice. I don't remember the Emmy's doing so much for a specific show before. Have they? I could be wrong.

It's 8:47pm CT so the show is about 1/4 of the way over....

Jaysis they're STILL doing awards for miniseries stuff. Oh but that's cool, Helen Mirren just won. I've met her you know. She rocks. She looks awesome.

Wow. Al Gore just won an Emmy. Interactive TV something or other. Word.

I'm starting to get sleepy. Nearly 9:30 now and we're only at Best ___ for a Reality Competition.

For the record, I'm going to bed once Kiefer loses to Gandolfini crushes the competition. I'll find out who won the rest in the morning :) If OJ Simpson doesn't dominate the news.

Ah ok on to Best Actor/Actresses in Comedy. Surely that means its nearing the end... Sally Fields is stuttering on stage and I believe she was just censored. How funny. "If the mothers ruled the world, there would be no God-" dead air.

And now the In Memoriam but. Sniffle. Steve Irwin... Joel Siegel... Peter Boyle... Jack Palance...Jane Wyman... Tom Poston... Ed Bradley... Pavarotti... Merv..

Hey cool Ugly Betty won. Right on. Very nice speech.

Kiefer time.... Fingers crossed... Aaaaaand.... Fuck. James Spader. I was so wrong. Well that's not unusual. Man, He doesn't look like Stef from Pretty in Pink anymore :)

This livebloggin thing is fun by the way... This way, tomorrow when the coworkers are yakking about the awards around the watercooler, I can just say, "Just read the blog. I said it all there." I can't wait.

30 Rock wins Best Comedy series. I didn't know it was still on the air. But good on Tina Fey, I like her.

Helen Mirren is up now presenting the final award of the night, Best Drama. Winner is, Soprano's. That's great :) I'm happy for them. Damn the cast takes up the whole stage.

So that's the end. 3 hours and fifteen minutes. Not bad really. Was an OK show, nothing spectacular. The thing I think they'll be talking about the most on Defamer is the mispronunciation of Katherine Heigl's name by an announcer and her correcting them when she got to the microphone :) Everyone else will be gushing about Jon Stewart, Colbert and Carrell's group hug :)


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