Sunday, September 09, 2007


It's a gorgeous day out today. Overcast and CHILLY! MMmmmm I can't wait for Fall and today feels like a taste of it.

It's been a great day so far. I've got the last two eps of Torchwood to watch this evening, got some awesome emails from a friend, a pan full of lasagna to give to the G's later on, and I'm feeling somewhat better cold-wise. Just have to shake the cough, keep up the meds and I should be kicking it before it gets worse.

I think I'll do a meme since I don't really have much else to say.

This one is weather-related:

1. Where you live, what kind of weather (or weather-related tragedy) do you fear the most?
Well here in the middle of Tornado Alley I'd better say Tornadoes eh? Here in my city, back in 1980 there were seven big tornadoes that touched down and demolished half the town. There was a book and a film made of it (Night of the Twisters.) I lived in Cali at the time so didn't go through it, but I had family here that was affected. We came a couple weeks afterwards and saw all the damage.

2. What kind of weather do you MOST enjoy?
Thunderstormy weather. Barring that I tend to prefer cloudy, overcast days more than I do sunny days. I prefer a chill in the air and low low humidity.

3. What kind of weather do you LEAST like to drive in?
I hate driving in snow. I also hate driving in blistering heat, but at least there's less chance of spinning out on the interstate in the heat.

4. What is the scariest weather-related experience you've had in your lifetime?
I've never really been through truly scary weather-related stuff. Had to go to the basement a few times during tornado warnings but nothing ever came of them. The scariest thing I've been through though was the 1989 7.2 earthquake in Central Cali. I was working in a video shop when everything start rumbling. The closes sound I can think of to emulate it is, if you've ever dragged a heavy chair across a cement floor and you get that sort of stuttering grumbling noise.. That's what it sounded like. The glass was shattering, the TVs were falling our of the shelves, video boxes everywhere... And like idiots we ran outside -right underneath a cement overhang. I remember feeling like I was standing on a waterbed that someone had just bellyflopped onto. I watched my car rock and sway.

My parents were in San Fran at Candlestick watching the world series. My little sis was with our neighbours. So I made it home, found Kelly, and we spent our time trying to get through to family here in Nebby and panicking when we heard the Bay Bridge collapsed in SF. Marina, where we lived, is about a 2, 2 1/2 hour drive from the City. It took my parents close to 12 hours to make it home to us. It was freaky.

5. Share a "weather picture" with us!
Here's the gallery I put together for the paper's site on the 1980 tornadoes. The entire site is worth a visit too:


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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