Thursday, September 27, 2007

Nothing can defeat the Penis!

So I'm reading this comment thread on Whedonesque which started off as commenting about some site's listing of the "Beer Bad" episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as the worst ever and ended up as everyone listing their idea of worst (and best) episodes our of the series.

Do you remember sitting in class back in high school, most likely during a test or something, and someone will whisper something funny to you and you just get an attack of the giggles so bad the teacher asks you to step out? Or maybe not quite that bad, but you know the feeling of trying to hold in a giggle fit. Everyone does.

Well, while reading the comments, someone quoted a line from an episode. The line is, "Nothing can defeat the penis!" Mildly amusing line if you read it dry. But hear it in your head with a deep superhero voice. Worthy of a chuckle? Now imagine that you're remembering that episode, the way the line was delivered by goofy Xander, and how absolutely random the line was and how you spewed Dr. Pepper all over the place because the timing and randomness was so perfect and hilarious.

Now imagine remembering all that while sitting at your desk at work, surrounded by your coworkers all diligently working away and concentrating hard. And throw in the realization that you can't guffaw aloud at this because no one here watched Buffy and would find it very funny and explaining it to them would be pointless because by the time you finish, it's just not really all that funny.

Suppress those giggles. Turn bright red in the face as your chest shakes and your hand is clamped in a death grip over your mouth. Desperately try to stop thinking about that damn line! Ummm... baseball... Wrinkly David Brinkley... That time you walked in on your grandma in just her bra... Ok calming down now... PENIS! Oh no!! Breathe Steph breathe... it's not that funny... Oh god the phone's ringing. Shit! Deep breaths... No don't take a drink of water. You'll ruin the keyboard.

Yeah, that was me about 10 minutes ago. I've got it under control now :)


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally missed that completely. I must have been really into work. :-)

At 10:51 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

I hid it very well :)


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