Monday, September 24, 2007

Chop chop

Woke up this morning, took a shower, got it in my head that I needed bangs (that's 'fringe' for you weirdo Brits :) ) so I cut my hair. Then I did hair and makeup and went to work where exactly zero people even noticed.

I hate that. Sometimes I think I could walk into work with one of those electric light-up suits and huge red arrows suspended above my head and I wouldn't get more than a cursory 'Morning Steph' as coworkers barely glance up from their computer screens.

Back in high school, I was the girl with a different hair colour every week. It was sort of my 'thing.' My Creative Writing teacher even signed my yearbook that way: 'To the girl with the rainbow hair...' What can I say? It was the 80s, and I was a little rebellious. Plus I loved experimenting. Got even worse when I had my stint in cosmotology school. I've had about every hair colour you can think of except for blue.

I think a lot of kids go through that 'pay attention to me' phase - not wanting to be normal, wanting to stick out and be an individual who was also quite cool. I never really kicked the habit I guess. Don't want to be thought of as typical. I like to shake up people's perceptions when they take a minute and look at me.

I could pass you in my car, at first glance at me in my office appropriate attire, what sort of music would you think a nondescript chick in boring attire would b listening to? Light rock? Classical perhaps? Surely when you pull up alongside at a red light the last thing you'd expect to hear are the raucous strains of the Dead Kennedy's going on about rioting and how terminal preppies just like to get drunk and be taught how to f___.

Or if I'm in a different mood, and to counteract the thumping beats of some godawful (c)rap song, I might roll the windows down and pop in my Placebo cd and let Molko moan about being a nancy boy at full volume.

Ok I've disappeared off on a tangent here. Point is, I still don't think I want to be thought of as typical or normal and despite appearances or affectations, I probably am anyway. But my bangs look cute anyway :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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