Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mmm cinnamon

There is nothing better on a Sunday morning that smelling the smell of fresh cinnamon raisin bread baking while some french vanilla coffee percolates. MMmmmmmmm it's so lovely :)

I've also started enjoying getting errands done in the early morning hours on a Sunday. It's nice to go to the grocery store (a chore I normally despise) when hardly anyone is around. Even Wal-mart seems empty and less frantic during that time. This morning, I was off to the paper to put my column online. No one ever strips the TV column for online because usually it's just a wire piece. But when we write one in-house, no one includes it. So since this column was on the strike, and I wanted fans4writers peeps to be able to read it, I had to make sure to get it online.

Other than that, it's definitely another gorgeous lazy Sunday in this house. Shannon is busy teaching herself how to quilt (working in a fabric store has had this affect on her) so she's been cutting and measuring and sewing all morning. Weird hearing the sounds of a sewing machine in this house because I can't sew to save my life.

I had to make a bag in Home ec back in high school. A plain old two handled bag. I got a C on it. I just don't have the patience or talent. I can sew a button back on and that's about the extent of my abilities. But Shan's really taken a liking to most things crafty and it's fun to watch her create stuff.

She just came in to show me the second block of fabric she's sewn. I can't wait to see the finished quilt! Her first quilt is going to be a gift for her French teacher whom she adores and will have taught her for four years. See, Shan didn't stop at the required two years of French class. She's taking it all four years. My girl wants to be an Etymologist when she grows up (that's words, not bugs ;) ) so she is planning to study quite a number of foreign languages.

Great for me because chatting to her in French has helped me remember the language myself. I took it for 5 years, then I had a friend who grew up in Morocco so she helped keep me from going rusty, and then when we lived at the pub in Engerland (ugh looking at that site I built in 1998 makes me cringe. Wish he'd let me redo it now I'm all professional-y) some of the staff that lived with us were French and so I enjoyed listening to them bitch about the rest of us not knowing I could understand them :) Muahaha I'm evil.

Anyway, I've got zero plans for the day apart from watching various episodes of Angel for the hell of it, and making a batch of Spaghetti later.

I love days like this.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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