Tuesday, August 19, 2003

What is the fascination men have with breasts I wonder. The latest trend on TCZ is to have everyone get on their webcams and then the girls flash everyone. Woohoo. Fine if you're a promiscuous chick with nice tits, but I'm having trouble seeing the appeal. Maybe at first the guys are thinking, 'These girls are obtainable! I could shag one of these birds at the next meet because look! They let me look at their boobs!' I guess I can see the novelty of it. But after a few hours of staring at other people on a webcam with no sound, the novelty wears off. At least for me. Sunday night a bunch of us were doing the cam thing and several spods were quite drunk (not me of course, as a) I had no alcohol in the house and b) I don't drink much) but it didn't take long for the shirts to come off and the boob brigade to begin. I was under enormous pressure to join in myself, especially since the bloke pressuring me is awfully cute - but he was sat next to a half-naked girl IRL so I didn't see the point. That and of course my daughter was flitting about the place so it wouldn't have been very mom-like of me to get my tits out on cam.

I don't think I would have even if I'd been alone. I don't want to be viewed as one of 'those' girls. Sounds awfully bitchy of me, but it's a girl thing really. There are a few chicks on TCZ who pretty much go to meets just for the chance to get their tops off for the lads. While I applaud the fact that they are comfortable with themselves enough to enjoy doing that, I don't think they understand what sort of label they're giving themselves by other females. Or maybe they do understand but could care less. Should any of those girls read this obscure little blog and take offense, realise I am not saying there is anything wrong with having fun and frankly - if you've got a nice rack and have no hangups about nudity then more power to you. I'm just saying there's going to be a stigma attached to you. It's not nice, it's not fair but it's there. Some less-than-liberal females might tend to think the boob-girls are tarts and slappers and look on them with disdain.

While I don't agree with that stigma, I also don't think I want to subject myself to it just to give some guys I'll probably never see IRL a cheap thrill. I think I like to leave it up to the imagination. Sometimes sexy is what you have on that highlights what's underneath rather than just a peepshow. So monster, if you ever read this, I'm not getting the tits out on cam whether the kidlet's home or not :) Of course this means my webcam is boring and my viewers drop off quickly when they realise I'm not getting naked. Oh well :)

I meant to write about how boobs are kind of boring to look at but I sort of went off on a tangent :) Anyway... Boobs are kind of dull. Sure there are different shapes and sizes but the basic ingredients are there for most of them: nipples, areolas and a certain amount of squishiness. Some have tanlines, others are pale. But really.. what good is looking at them if you can't get at them? Ohhhh I suppose it's nice to have something to think about late at night in bed. Alone. Or maybe something else to think about while in bed with someone who doesn't quite have the set you'd like. Or even in bed with a set you like but you want more for variety :)

Oh who knows why guys like looking at them. Guys are weird.


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