Thursday, October 16, 2003

Leave him alone

Well while I wait for someone to send me some content for my little project I guess I'll blog a little. I guess the big water cooler discussion right now is that poor Cubs fan who's allegedly blown his team's chances at going to the world series. I feel sorry for the guy. I mean, I can understand why people are upset, the Cubs haven't been in the Series for 58 years and it would have been sweet if they'd have made it. But they lost their game faces when this guy went for the foul ball and allowed the Marlins to get all those runs in. They should have put it out of their minds until the game was over. Yes it was a moment of stupidity, but tell me, if you were a huge fan of a particular team, and you were in the foul ball area of the stands and saw a ball coming towards you, wouldn't you reach for it too? Wouldn't you be caught up in the moment of having a chance to grab a little bit of a semi-historic game for yourself? Of course you would. I don't think this guy intended to deliberately sabotage his beloved team's game. it was an accident and people need to let it go.

Besides, in the footage I saw of the incident, there were quite a few other fans going for that ball too. None of them looked like they were backing off when they saw the Cub running to grab it. This poor guy just happened to get to it first. Now his phone's been disconnected, he's actually in fear for his life. What is wrong with that picture? I understand the passion fans feel for a game they love. I know what it's like to be caught up in something and of course you hate to see defeat - but come on, leave the poor guy alone. I'm sure none of the abuse he's endured from irate fans can compare to what he must feel.

I also think it was pretty shite of Florida to offer him 'asylum'. That's almost like taunting him. How rude.

Anyway that's my take on the Cubs incident. They played a good season but couldn't quite pull it out in the end. That's ok. Maybe next year they'll be back with a vengeance. Who knows. Yeesh, and I'm not even a baseball fan.


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