Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ack. Daylight.

I woke up this morning feeling like I was hungover. Which was strange considering I haven't had a sip of alcohol in... ummm.. I can't even remember the last time I drank anything alcoholic.

Anyway so I woke up feeling like my head weighed a ton, it was throbbing and my nose was stuffed up. First thought was that I caught cold. I don't know where I'm going with this so I'll shut up by saying I needed caffeine and to just wake up a little more :) I'm fine now. But man I hate waking up feeling like shite.

I found a new program I kind of dig: Most Haunted on the travel channel. Cheesy as hell but even watching it at 9am on a Saturday, I got a little creeped out. I love ghost stories and tales of haunted old homes. I don't know why. Maybe it's the creep factor or the slightest possibility that cold spots or light anomolies might be the desperate imprints left by poor people wo wer brutally murdered and they want to rest in peace but can't until their murder is solved.

I dunno. I just like it.

What else is up... I had my first year performance review yesterday. Went very well. I got so lucky to wind up with another boss who's great after the ones I had at the hospital. I guess they think I'm doing all right and I can stick around :) My job's even shuffled a bit and I'm now a Web Editor which means I get to carry on working with the News guys and building on and improving I'm really happy about that actually. I enjoy that a lot. It doesn't mean I change much of what I was already doing. I'll still be doing real estates, and auto photos and ad banners and commercial sites etc. It's just the the boss is going to shuffle what I do and what the third person she needs to hire will do. The newbie will, depending on graphic/web experience also work on commercial sites and ad banners, aswell as work on the more complex coding that is way over my head.

Anyway I'm chuffed.

Ohhhh big news on the sister front btw - she and her boyfriend have decided to move in together. Oh my it's serious :) Congrats kiddo even though I know you never read this or blog in your own blog that I've set up for you (twice btw.) Yes I'm nagging you and congratulating you at the same time. Pretty slick eh?

And congrats also to a couple of TCZ knuckleheads who just got engaged last night. Fire (Adam) and Trinity (Christine) are going to get hitched. I head Adam was kind of shaky when he proposed. I would have paid good money to see him all shaky and nervous :) Good luck kids.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Adam said...

I wasn't shaky! I was gripping the box tight enough to make sure I didnt' drop it! SHEESH! ;)

At 11:53 AM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Shyeah right. You were shaking like a leaf :)

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Well, next time you propose to someone, I want to be there and see if you shake too :)

At 12:34 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Ahh so you admit it then :)


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