Sunday, September 04, 2005

Mi vida loca

It's been an interesting week. Here's why:

Work has, as usual, been crazybusy.
My Grandfather died.
I became the August employee of the Month.
My father was here for the funeral.
I'm spending my three-day weekend working on IndyKnow to get it ready for the launch next Friday.

It's been interesting.

My Grandfather is someone I've never met though I've seen him several times in town. It's a long story having to do with my reconnection with my biological father and his family that I've slowly been getting to meet and enjoy. Meeting Jo and Tom (Gary's sister and her husband) and their fabulous kids has been a wonderful experience for Shannon and me. I'm soooo so glad to have them in our lives. So I keep asking myself what my problem was when it came to meeting my grandfather and his wife.

The answer is I haven't a bloody clue. And when I got the news that he had passed away, I felt sad and sort of mad at myself for missing the chance - and for no real valid reason that I can pinpoint.

I struggled with whether we should go to the funeral because I really didn't want the focus of the day to shift from him to us. But then I wanted to be supportive for Gary and Jo so we went. We planned to just let them know we were there and sit quietly in the back, then duck out before anything got awkward. It didn't work out that way as we ended up being up front with the family - it's a bit of a blur how that worked out. I've only ever been to two other funerals in my life so I'm not very familiar with funeral protocol and etiquette.

But the service was very nice. Afterwards we got to spend some time with Gary though I missed being able to say goodbye to Jo and Tom, Hannah and Gunter. Sorry about that guys.

Anyway so all of that was going on and meanwhile at work I found out that my loverly coworker Tonya had nominated me for employee of the month and it was quite a shock :) But it was a nice shock and I really appreciated the proverbial pat on the back. And I felt all mushy and stuff even though Tonya's a sneaky bitch :D

And finally I've been working - ohhhh since the start of the 24 marathon at 1 this afternoon (it's now almost 9pm) - on IndyKnow. We're in the final week before the launch and my stomach's in knots. So much to do and too much other stuff crowding my plate. Poor Shan's not going to see much of me til we get through this.

But it's coming along and we're a hell of a lot further into it than we were a couple of months ago. I think it's going to be cool.

Anyway, probably won't blog for a while until I get past IndyKnow so umm, yeah :)


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Günter said...

It was my first funeral, so before Saturday there were actually certain funeral terms of which my personal definitions were pretty loose. But I didn't do anything too embarrassing. We casketbearers were supposed to follow out the "honorary" casketbearers, which was fine, but after leaving the sanctuary the casketbearers were supposed to line up in the hallway, and I walked too far. Someone, maybe Dalton, maybe Nate, had to say, "Psst, Gunter!" (To which I replied, "Oh, sorry, thanks.") Guess I almost walked down into the "gathering place," into that weird friar's club of CPAs.

We wondered where you guys went, but no one was offended, I promise.

You and Shannon both looked really nice. I was glad to see you, even if it was only briefly.


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