Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's all over

Big Sigh.

We're all in and the majority of the unpacking is done -that is to say quite a lot of boxes are tucked up in the garage but that's okay. They are mostly boxes I had in the old place that belonged to mom. Someday I'll go through them, but not now. I found a box of card - wedding cards, anniversay, just because etc. from dad to mom and mom to dad and they made me cry. What great treasures to have but at this time I guess I'm not ready to go through their stuff. I've spent so much time shoving grief to the back of my mind while trying to get on with life that sometimes it comes bubbling up when I least expect it.

Anyway enough of that.

So there are 7 or 8 more boxes to unpack, mostly more books and trinkets. Then comes the fun part of decorating the place. I'm looking forward to that. I have a total surplus of artwork and knicknacks that I can go several different ways in the way this place looks. I dig that.

Spooky is back with us and pretty puzzled. When she left, she spent nearly a month tucked in a cozy room at my cousin's and away from us. She left the only home she's known and returned to a whole new place. She spends a lot of time sniffing things and she rarely leaves my side when I'm home.

Let's see... a couple of drawbacks to this place: The walls seem pretty thin. My bedroom has a wall shared by the people next door. it must be their bedroom as well because I can hear their feckin' alarm every morning. The truly pissy thing is that theirs goes off about 15 minutes before mine *sigh* My neighbours on the other side play their TV pretty loud. I can tell what they're watching. Parking seems kind of like a free-for-all and no one seems to park their cars in their garages. Sometimes I can park right by my apartment, sometimes I'm stuck clear down by the street. Wish they'd number spaces or something. And lastly, our toilet keeps clogging up. Lovely I know, but I can't work out what's causing it. Tres strange.

But you know, all of this is fairly minor (unless of course you REALLY have to go to the bathroom only to find you have to plunge the toilet first.) The plusses are pretty great. We're still enjoying the novelty of being able to look out the window and see our car; or not having to use a key to check the mail; of being able to buy heavy stuff at the store and not have to lug it up 3 flights of stairs; of not having to disguise the cat food when we bring it in; of being able to jump up and down without pissing off the crabby neighbours belowstairs; of being able to see our black cat contrasting with the light beige carpet so we don't trip on her anymore; of being able to put the car in the garage if it looks like it might hail; of my kickass, HUGE stove with self-cleaning and digital controls; of the possibilities opened to us here.

Yeah, we're finally home :)


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CherryPop McGee...

CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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