Sunday, October 29, 2006

Placebo. So good.

After such a long wait, the Big Night has come and gone and I'm suffering from post-concert letdown which was exacerbated by the 6 hour drive home.

But man, what a show. What a freaking awesome show. It was so good, so... surreal to be mere feet away from this band I love. I had forgotten what it's like to see a favourite band in a small, intimate place. It's been... well several years. And the whole evening was one giant flashback to my days of going to alternative clubs with the children decked in black lipstick and liner, lace and the ever present Docs and leather. Some things don't seem to change I guess.

It was fun to share this with my daughter as well :) It was her first experience in such an atmosphere herself and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it. What killed me was how she quickly saw through a lot of the bullshit people talk when they're out and about. She has a quick wit and cutting cynicism. She does me proud :)

So beginning with a longass drive to Denver we arrived at our hotel, The Embassy Suites (Or NBC Suites according a Shan when she was ickle :) in Centennial. We explored our lovely rooms, she hit the pool and fitness room for a bit while I showered and got ready. By the time we were ready to go, it was still early but this turned out to be a good thing because of course, I got lost on the way to the Gothic.

Eventually we arrived and found ourselves in a long line of goths, emos, normals, halloween costumes, and the usual assortment of pretentious twits you find out shows like this (I say that out of love because I used to be a pretentious twit when I was at a show with all my friends. We were loud, we said outrageous things for shock value and generally acted like morons. These days I find it rather endearing.)

When they (finally) let us in (after I had to prove I was Shan's mother - she was under the 16+ age limit) we made our way to the floor in front of the stage. It was crowded but not too much and we had the not-so-brilliant idea of hanging back until the opening act was done and then shoving our way up to the front between bands.

But we realized this was not going to be the best plan, so during the opening DJ guy, we began inching our way up front instead. Shannon made me proud again by being fearless when it came to scrambling towards any hole that opened in front of us, dragging me along behind her. By the time the main opening band, She Wants Revenge, was done we were just about at the barrier :) It was a hard battle and some very short girl with a mohawk was pissed I wouldn't let her in front of me. I couldn't because I couldn't take a chance of Shan getting separated from me. And frankly, if she wanted to see the band, knowing she was very short, she could have gone to the balcony level and had a perfect view. I am not nice at concerts. I'd forgotten that :) I'm quite a bitch in fact.

This show more than others. I wanted to be as close as possible. I'd come a long way and waited a long time to see them. I could quite possibly never get another chance so sorry mohawkgirl. It's every fan for herself.

Another thing I found amusing was the tiny girls at the barrier who kept getting pissed off because people were *gasp* touching them! They would suddenly shove themself backwards in anger trying to get people to back off. I had to laugh. I mean really, if you going to position yourself at the very front of a crowd, all of whom are huge fans of the band, how can you not expect to pretty much get squished. I couldn't put my arms down the whole show but did I bitch? No. I had dancy-boy to my left who decided to bounce off me every other downbeat. Did I bitch? No. He was just having a good time. As long as I can see the boys in the band, you can pour beer down my back and stomp on my feet.

Anyway, the show... She Wants Revenge was pretty good. Justin Warfield (last heard by me doing a rap on a Placebo song called "Spite & Malice") fronts this band and instead of rapping, it turned out to be a sort of Bauhaus/Post Bauhaus Peter Murphy vibe with a dance twist. The song that caught my attention the most was... I think it might be called, "Black Liner" maybe? not sure. Anyway I liked it a lot. Shannon prefered one they did called, "Out of COntrol."

Anyway, they were great. Good band to listen to before Placebo.

And after about a half an hour set tear-down and rebuild, it was time for my boys to hit the stage. First Steve snuck his way to his drumkit amid the shrieks and applause. Then Stef casually wandered onstage looking like pure sex. Man oh man this guy knows every rock and roll pose in the book. It was very hard to take my eyes off of him. We were on his side of the stage as well. It was a small stage though so when I could tear my eyes off Stef, they were riveted on Brian. He walked on stage like he owned it, slung a guitar strap over his shoulder, and they went right into, "Infra-red" from their new album.

I cannot describe how it felt to be there. To see them live after all this time. It was surreal. It was extraordinary. It was satisfying. I don't have any idea of the setlist. I was too busy screaming, dancing, snapping pix, fending off mohawk girl, grinning like an idiot and generally having a total blast. Stef vamped all over the stage, striking pose after pose while Brian sang his little heart out and looked just as delectable.

The only slight disappointment was that they didn't come back for encores :( I don't know why but I got a glimpse of the setlist and it didn't show any planned. I don't know if the notate encore songs on the setlists, but these didn't have anything listed after the final song. Looking back, the show did feel sort of rushed. But that could just me. Who knows. I'll look around the net and see what other Denver-ites who were there thought.

But that minor disappointment wasn't enough to ruin the experience. I'm still so very glad we got to go see them. I'm flat broke, but it was so worth it. It just felt good to go, you know?

[EDIT] Someone posted the Denver setlist, so here 'tis:

Placebo set list from Denver, Colorado Show (28 Oct)

1. Infra-red
2. Meds
3. Because I Want You
4. Drag
5. Sleeping with Ghosts
6. Song to Say Goodbye
7. Every you, Every Me
8. One of a Kind
9. Special K
10. The Bitter End
11. Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush cover)
12. Taste in Men
13. Twenty Years

I'm also seeing a few other people complaining about the short show and no encores. I feel a little bit short-changed considering that I'm sure I'm not alone in that I've waited years to see them live and drove 6 hours to see them. But the flipside of that is I could have not seen them at all so I guess I should shutup about it already. Maybe something happened and they couldn't play longer or something. Who knows. But if I get the chance again, I'll go see them again. I loved what I got :)

I've uploaded my digicam pix to Spotted at the Paper. Cell pix to come :) So glad cameras were allowed :)


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I was just looking for placebo setlists and I stumbled upon your page-placebo are great right? anyway im assuming since you're in nebraska ill see you at the sokol tommarow huh?

At 3:48 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Yep, my daughter and I will be at Sokol tomorrow night ready to see this fabulous band again :)


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