Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thou doth protest

A little protesting going on today when President Bush arrived in GI to pump up the Red team for the election on Tuesday. I was feeling curious, especially since the event center is just down the street. So the kidlet and I wandered over and caught a bunch of protestors in action as well as a shot or two of Air Force One and the motorcade.

yes their signs do say, "Welcome President Douche Bag."

There was a bit of a tussle when we were told to move back behind some yellow police tape and yet the people who weren't protesting were not asked to move back. A few 20-somethings began shouting about it which pissed off some elderly folk and the Secret Service had to come over and smooth things over. Agent Jeremy (I heard him answer his phone) simply dared the protestors to go join the non-protestors.

So they did. It was pretty cool. There were extra signs laying around and Someone asked the kid if she wanted to hold one, so she did. I held one too but I'll admit I was just more interested in seeing all the fuss. Mine just said 'Bring 'em Back Home.'

Anyway it was a fun thing to do on a Sunday :)


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