Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lots of woot

Big day for kid sis today :) Looks like Cross Country Kelly's going to be Mrs. The Cat. That sneaky boy had been planning quite an elaborate way to propose involving a hot air balloon, a perfect sunset and a big honkin' ring :) I'm so happy for them. And me! I get a brother! I could hear them both grinning like eejits when they called to tell us the news :) Of course Kelly got all sniffly, softy that she is.

Anyway, I'm thrilled for them. Way cool! Here's a pic of them and the Big Honkin' Ring up in the balloon:

For friends and family who'd like to hear the Big Announcement they made on XM Monday night, I recorded it and, well here 'tis :) (Hit play and you may experience some wait time as it loads. It's a big file) -

Well, I didn't ride in a hot air balloon or anything but I did manage to tuck up in my dark bedroom, all the lights off and watched 'Carnival of Souls' Friday night. If I never hear organ music again it will be too soon, but other than that the old film did have some good freakout moments, mostly when the zombie guy would appear as if from nowhere. I particularly liked the imagery of the zombies dancing in the pavilion. In fact, I liked the pavilion altogether - abandoned carnival type place like that - I'd love to explore something like that.

I think I'd totally dig doing the urban exploring thing like this guy does. I love his photos. Doing something like that would be a blast. I know my county has some abandoned type places that would be a kick to poke around in. Might look into that. I want a video camera and a decent digicam first though.

I just had so much fun when some of us from the paper "explored" the Grand Theatre here in town. And it's not even abandoned. We did that for our Halloween edition of our defunct entertainment page/site and I wanted to make it an annual thing but alas... The following year we dinked around 'Witch's Bridge' just outside of town but our new multimedia guy turned it into more of a news 'investigation' thing and well, it wasn't as much fun as just grabbing a cam and wandering around.

But since we no longer have our entertainment section *sniffle* we won't be doing it again this year. Which sucks.

Wow this post is a linkapalooza for a change :)

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent doing mundane household-y stuff that is just too boring to put into words so I'll leave it at that. Time to head for bedfordshire anyway. I'm going to attempt to get a proper night's sleep for a change.

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At 6:07 AM, Blogger erinandjon said...

So, you probably have NO idea who I am, but this is Erin, and Kelly is one of my dearest friends from high school. We'd lost touch for a while but both ended up in DC at the same time a couple years ago, and she told me the Matt the Cat story, and I thought, that is SO Kelly... leave it to her to have such an incredible story in her life! And then I met Matt and I knew they were perfect together. I was THRILLED when they told me they were engaged, and I was just as thrilled to find your blog with the audio from the show! What a treat to get to listen! Thank you so much for posting it... and hopefully we will meet at the wedding next fall! :)

At 5:17 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Hey Erin :) I've seen you around on Kel's Myspace page. Nice to virtually meet you! Hope to meet for reals at the wedding :)


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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