Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I was poking around Neatorama this morning and came across a saucy little riddle from The Exeter Book. The riddle was written approximately 1000 years ago.

Swings by his thigh / a thing most magical!
Below the belt / beneath the folds
Of his clothes it hangs / a hole in its front end,
stiff-set and stout / it swivels about.

Levelling the head / of this hanging tool,
its wielder hoists his hem / above his knee;
it is his will to fill / a well-known hole
that it fits fully / when at full length

He's oft filled it before. / Now he fills it again.

Admittedly, my brain flopped straight into the gutter. Those Anglo-Saxons were cheeky little monkeys eh?

The answer's in the comments btw. Just a bit of fun to start the day :)


At 8:28 AM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

The answer is: A key.



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