Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I keep meaning to...

But then nothing exciting continues to happen and I look at the empty blog entry field and wonder what to fill it up with.

I know I really want to use my video cam. I've wanted one for so long and now that I have one, I've no idea what to viddy. Plus I don't have decent editing software to do much creative with it. Just MovieMaker which is fine for the noobs, but when you use it, it shows.

Noobs. That word bugs the hell out of me for some reason. My daughter and I argue endlessly about the pronunciation of it. She says 'noobs' like 'boobs' and I say 'newbie' like, well, 'newbie.' Coming from a telnet chat enviro like I did, the word was always 'newbie.' Noob I guess is next gen. I don't like it because saying it her way makes me think of boobs and I just don't want to go there.

Anyway, I did see a couple of movies this weekend that were recommended to me by the soon-to-be-brother-in-law (ugh. That's mouthful. Need a shorter title for him.) The movie "The Final Cut" with Robin Williams and then "Waitress" with Nathan Fillion and ummm.. The chick from Felicity.

Final Cut was an interesting premise. Matt was friends at college with the guy who wrote/directed it. Dunno if that makes him biased towards liking the film because it didn't do very well box office-wise, but the kid and I enjoyed it. The premise is that parents-to-be can opt to have a memory chip implanted into their unborn children which then records their entire life. When that chipped person passes away, the chip is handed over to 'cutters' (Robin Williams is a cutter) who then edit their lives into a sort of remembrance movie to be played at the funeral.

The problem is some of the people he edits aren't so very nice. His job is to make the memories the loved ones want to remember and edit out the bad stuff. There's a whole secondary plot in which a former cutter joins a bunch of activists who think it's an invasion of privacy etc. but mostly the film deals with a childhood trauma of William's character and how he deals with it.

I sort of wish they'd dealt more with the issues of the chip, but it was a pretty good movie nonetheless.

Waitress was excellent. I'd been wanting to see it anyway since I adore Captain Tightpants, but I didn't realize it was out on video already. It's a sleepy, quirky, funny little movie and we totally dug it.

So that's what we did this weekend, apart from clean house and bake banana bread. Gary was in town for a quick visit and it was great to get to hang with him. We went to see "Juno" which was another quirky, funny, sweet little movie (Thank you Corbin for telling us to choose that one!) and then we got up at stupid o'clock yesterday to meet him for breakfast before he headed back Montana-way. He'll be back in July for his 40th high school reunion (eep!) so a double dose of dad this year :)

I think that's me caught up. I've been mostly hanging out over at Ficlets.com because I'm still addicted to writing very very short stories. I'm up to 46 of the suckers now, not that I'm really keeping track - no honestly. i just had to go look at my totals. I really just dig the writing, although at the moment it seems to be overrun with a bunch of Emo kids who are filling it up with stupid little memes instead of actual, you know, fictional stories. Ahh the intertubes.

Oh! Last night I checked out the first two eps of "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles." It was great! Summer Glau (River from "Firefly") plays a good terminator sent back to guard John Connor. I dig it. It's not my "24" which was supposed to start Sunday night, but I enjoyed it anyway. *sigh* wish the strike would end. I know it's selfish to want my shows back but the longer it drags out with neither side even back at the bargaining table, the harder it is to feel empathy for the writers. I want them to have a fair deal, but the more I read, and the more I hear from affected folks, the more I wonder if they're just being stubborn? I don't know. I'm so far removed from the whole thing that my opinion isn't really worth a damn. I just hate to think of folks losing their jobs, hurting for money and struggling. I definitely know what that's like and it sucks balls.

Anyway, enough for now.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Asinine Army said...

I classified "Sarah Conner" under watchable, but uninspired. I like Summer though and all her asskickery.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

It has tremendous possibilities and I'll probably give it a chance to get going. A lot of shows improve over time as you know, so maybe this one will too if the Fox-holes don't cancel it.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at cherrypopmcgee.com

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