Sunday, December 30, 2007

The year's end

I'm trying to think about the things that happened this year that made it memorable. Sort of my own little end of the year thing. Let's see...

Nobody I love died. That's a good. Always appreciate a year that passes with all my loved ones intact. Morbid? Maybe, but hey, it's what I think about.

When I started thinking about this I worried that I'd have very little to reflect on because I tend to generalize my life. Like when someone you haven't seen in a while asks you how your life's been and you answer, "Oh, fine. Same old same old." When in fact, many new things have occurred. So when I thought about this, I remembered that there've actually been a few milestones this year.

My sister became engaged. That's a biggie. Seeing them at Christmas was wonderful because I could just tell how much they love each other. They're good for each other and I'm quite chuffed to be getting a brother :) I always wanted one of those.

Shannon turned the big 1-6 and is driving the car now. She just asked to borrow it tomorrow and I'm even letting her have it to go to a New Year's Eve party. Oh don't worry, it's a sleepover at a friend's with a bunch of girls and she's under strict orders not to go joyriding. I've noted my mileage :) Anyway, I don't need the car myself. I plan to kick off 2008 by watching some Doctor Who.

My father got hitched this summer to the lovely Charlotte in a cozy backyard wedding in Montana and we got to be there. Montana in summer is quite lush. I learned how to split logs with an axe so if I should ever have the need to become an axe-wielding homicidal maniac, I've got experience with the wielding part.

Hmmm what else... Oh I've learned a new trick at work. I can add video/audio editing and producing to my resume. I've always been good at editing sound but never had the equipment or software to work on video. But I do now, muahahaha. And I love it. AND I got a video camera for xmas as well so expect cheesy little videos to show up on this blog soon. Just waiting on a memory card.

My newspaper was sold to a new company. It marks the first time I've been involved with something like this. So far, it's been... interesting to observe.

Carrying on with the geek theme, I've also learned more than I ever wanted to know about DNS transfers and nameserver crap. I hate that stuff with a very intense passion. I'm hoping I won't have to muck with any of that stuff much in the new year. It's a pain.

I'm just going to gloss right over the shite that went wrong this year. Like my fuel pump crapping out and costing $900 bucks to fix, or the recent little car accident, or the fact that I make ok money for this market and yet I'm *still* living check to check. I mean seriously, I have no life to speak of. Where the F does the money go? Yeesh.

On the lighter side of things, I discovered a love for Doctor Who and Torchwood. Netflix is full of win and awesome. XM channel 44 is excellent about 90% of the time. I kinda dig the fact that my cat loves no human apart from me and the kid. Anyone else is just flesh to devour if she got the chance :) I love knowing that I get to go to my sister's wedding in California next October thanks to my brilliant cousin and his fabulous gf. Can't wait to be in Cali again. I'm going to test the vibe and see if it's someplace I'd want to go back to someday. I don't think I'll stay in Nebraska for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure where I'd want to go. But that's a topic for another blog :)

Yeah at the end of the day, 2007 was pretty okay. Ups and downs as most years have, but that's all right. Here's to 2008, though :) I hope it rocks.


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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