Saturday, December 01, 2007

Ice ice baby

It's been almost a year since we had the Big Ice Storm and now we're smack dab in another one. I don't think this one will be as bad, but I just returned from taking the kidlet to work and man, it's very slick out there.

There was about half an inch of ice we had to chip off of the car. It was kind of fun though, especially when it came off in great big chunks. BUT, we wouldn't have needed to do that if the garage door key hadn't broken in half when we were unlocking the garage door to put the car away. We knew the storm was coming so we figured it would b terribly smart of us to get the car inside. *sigh* now I have to deal with the landlord and try to get a new key from the guy who still - a year later mind you - hasn't given us a key to the back door.

Anyway, I took some piccies, but they don't do it justice. The grass in the back looks really cool. Each blade is sheathed in ice. Makes a cool tinkly sound when you walk/slide in it.

Click to embiggen:

Hope that tree doesn't collapse.


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