Sunday, December 09, 2007

Well that was fun

Damn the internet for sucking up my Sunday night. Apparently, you can watch live webcams of movie premieres at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Le sigh. So I lived vicariously through the lens while famous people showed up for the premiere of P.S. I Love You, starring Hilary Swank and ummm, oh Kathy Bates is in it. And Lisa Kudrow. And some Irish guy who's Very Famous. I can't remember his name because I was trying to find James Marsters :) He had an eensy part in the movie that mostly ended up on the cutting room floor, but hey, it's nice to see him working :)

(Actually he's a very busy boy with a recurring role on Without a Trace, a new CD out, this Swank flick, hie return as Brainiac on Smallville in January, and my most anticipated: a bigger-than-life role on Torchwood starting in January :) Oh yeah, and he'll be the villain, Piccolo, in Dragonball Z live action flick coming out next year. The things I sit through for this guy. Sheesh. Though his Lex Luthor in Superman Doomsday was really good.)

Anyway, watching the webcam was cool even if they're still doing the 'auto-refresh every 4 seconds' thing with it like this was 2003.

Crappy shot eh? I knew some Marsters fans who live far far away and couldn't stay up late on a school night might want to see him at the premiere, so I took a few caps. They're crappy but oh well.

So I had planned to finish watching some Smallville tonight but I got sucked into this premiere. Oh well. I'm hoping Netflix sends my damn Dr. Who dvds soon. Been waiting ages for them.

What else is happening... not much. Work is work. It's... interesting atm. That's all I'm going to say about it. The kidlet's working quite a bit which is nice for her. She enjoys the having of the cash to go do stuff like see the 'Golden Compass' tonight with some friends. One of them is driving and I'm nervous about it. We've had snow and ice off and on for the past four or five days and I haven't been letting her drive the car to work or anything because she's not driven on bad roads yet. So letting some other teenager do it isn't much better. I need to take her to an empty parking lot and let her practice on it, I think.

Amazing how used to her driving I've become. Usually when she's working in the evenings or weekends I let her just have the car. I'm never going anywhere because I have no life, so why not? Now that the roads are fooked, I won't let her and I'm back to being the chauffeur :) It's weird.

Well she just got home so I'm off to get her unwired so she can get to sleep since it IS a school night for her :)


At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There better shots here of the premiere here [url][/url]


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