Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas

Well the Big Holiday is over and I must say that this was a really lovely holiday - apart from getting hit by a car of course. That pretty much sucked.

I think I might be in a bit of shock. Just a little. I've been in car accidents before, but just bumper thumps really. But I keep flashing on the damage to my door and the rear wheel well that was bent in so far the car is not drivable. It was a pretty good smash. I think if we hadn't been in such a tank-like car (a Ford Taurus) the damage to us in the car would have been worse. I'm glad it hit my side and not Shannon's.

What happened was the roads are slick. It began snowing after we got back to town after having a great visit with Aunty Jo and everybody and we stopped at a truck stop to get some food. After we left there, my sister was making a left turn and we began to slide. She wasn't going very fast and was beginning to get the car corrected before we slid too badly, but we didn't get a chance to because a guy in an SUV slid as well and rammed us. Kelly says she saw him in the rearview and felt he was coming up too fast for her liking and sure enough, he was sliding and couldn't stop.

But we're all fine. Kelly and Matty and Shannon are ok, no bumps or bruises and the driver of the SUV was fine as well. I hit my head but I don't have a bump or anything. My left arm's a bit sore but not enough for me to be able to tell if it's from the accident or just my normal achiness. I'm just a little wigged after seeing the damage to the body of my door. It could have been bad. I'm really thankful it wasn't but now Kel and Matt have to spend their last day here sorting out insurance crap and figuring out how to get another rental car to get to the airport. This hasn't been a very good vacation for them - though the spending time with the family was good of course :)

Anyway, I'm knackered and frozen from sitting in a cold car for an hour. Accident aside, it was a wonderful Christmas being able to see my sis and soon-to-be-bro, hanging with everybody xmas eve and I'm really glad Kelly and Matt came with me to meet Jo and Tom, Hannah, Gunter and Becca. That made me all kinds of happy :)

It's Boxing Day now, but oh well, Happy Christmas everybody.


At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're OK. SUV drivers make up the majority of accidents when it's icy out because they think their vehicle affords them some level of traction above other vehicles. As you personally know, it does not.

That really sucks. Sorry to hear it.


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