Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Torchwood Premiere

Well Torchwood is definitely back with a bang kiddies. The season two premiere was last night and what a premiere it was. If you're in the states and like Torchwood, here there be spoilers so you may want to skippity-skip this post. Just thought I'd be nice and warn you because I know I hate to be spoiled.


James Marsters needs to join the cast as a regular. The man could have chemistry with a brick wall with those lusty, lingering looks and smoldering eyes. *shiver* That's my way of saying he was delectable in this role. I refuse to compare this role to Spike. Everyone and their editor is doing that and it's silly. James excels in larger-than-life roles and too often he's forced to reign in that ability (Detective Mars on Without a Trace anyone?) So it's awesome to get to see that in him again. I loved it, and if the reviews I've read are anything to go by, I'm not the only one.

The episode itself was fast-paced, funny, a little angsty and full of promise for the season to come. When we last left the Torchwood team, Captain Jack had disappeared when he heard the familiar sound of The Doctor's Tardis arriving in Cardiff. While he was off saving the world with The Doctor and Martha Jones, his team was left to soldier on and handle the Rift activity with Gwen leading them. And they were managing.

But they were still a little bitter when Jack returned and seemed to expect them to fling their arms around him and let him handle everything. No, Jack had to earn their trust again. On top of that, an old lover/conman/time agent called Captain John Hart sauntered out of the Rift in search of a diamond.

I'm not going to recap the episode - mainly because I need to watch it again so I can catch the stuff I missed while I was off in a corner of my head snogging Captain John, paralyzing lip gloss and all. But I will say that even though I've heard that the first season of Torchwood had a rocky reception (can't say I agree, because while some episodes were all right, others were phenomenal, all of them had something to them that made me enjoy the whole season), the second season looks like it has found its feet and hit its stride and every other walking cliché you can think of.

While it hasn't been confirmed, I can't see why the PTB wouldn't want to bring James back for more. He's a ratings goldmine and his character is fantastic. Maybe I'm biased. Maybe I don't care if I am :) It's my blog and I'll gush if I want to :)

So yeah, put me down as a Torchwood lover and I can't bloody wait for more.


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