Saturday, October 18, 2003

She danced with a boy...


The kid (I'm going to have to come upwith a new nick for her since she's not really a kid anymore :( ) went to her first real dance last night. She'd been to one before but it was right after school and I think all the parents were there. Last night was a city-wide junior high Halloween dance from 7-10pm. I had mixed feelings about letting her go though.

Originally this dance was supposed to be actually on Halloween, and would have been after school etc. which is why she spent some of her allowance on a splashy costume of Arwen from LOTR. She wanted so much to stand out and had been talking about this dance for weeks. Then Thursday she came into my office in tears because she found out that it had been moved up to the following night, and knowing my penchant for saying no to things she brings me on short notice, she didn't think I would let her go. But how could I look at her, with tears in her eyes and say no? I'm such a pushover :) Of course I let her go.

We picked up her best friend, who chickened out of wearing a costume (I guess costumes were optional), and I dropped them off at the Senior High gym, sighed, and went home to wait until 10pm. Every time the phone rang I jumped in case it was the kid who wanted to come home early.. But it never was. So finally when I went to pick them up, I found them both beaming and excited. She had danced with a boy and what's more - she actually asked him! I was gobsmacked! I guess I had thought if anyone would have danced with a boy, it would have been her friend who's always been a bit more boy-crazy than my daughter has been. But apparently her friend was far too shy to even dance with the girls. Weird.

Anyway, my daughter danced with a boy and came home grinning ear to ear and had a lovely evening. Me, I think I've now got a grey hair or two..


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CherryPop McGee is the daughter of a renowned Necromancer and famous Witch. She's grown up amongst wizards and witches and vampires and yes, even zombies. In fact, her bodyguard and close friend is a zombie. Her other best friend happens to be a vampire. You can read more about CherryPop at Ficlets (follow the sequels) or you can check out her blog at

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